Friday, May 21, 2010

Just Bloggin' I

Hey there! And again, welcome to my blog. Every now and then I’ll post a segment I call “Just Bloggin’” which will mainly be me (the person behind the stories) talking to you. If you don’t give a damn about me and are just here for what I write, then hi and welcome anyway! Just scroll down or type a word in the search bar and you’ll hopefully find something else to read - no hard feeling.

Are you still here? Great! I hope that this installment will let you know a little more about me and answer any questions you might have... Now, on to my bloggin’:

I had some people messaging me saying how much they liked my stories but I don’t see any comments in here? Why is that? I won’t bite (unless you ask me to, but that’s a different story). You don’t have to leave your name or email; you can make a screen name up or even leave anonymous feedback if you like. Use your browser’s “in private” setting if you share your computer and wouldn’t like it if someone else that shouldn’t be reading this kind of stories came across my blog. C’mon, don’t be shy!

Also, tell me what you would like me to talk about – you can vote on the poll to your left, comment (yes, yes, I love comments!) or even email me.

My goal is to post and average of two stories per week here on my blog. However, I want you to be able to find my work on other places – do you know of any good sites that publish erotic stories? I’m a BIG fan of Literotica but I’m sure that there are more sites like that one – do you visit any? Send me the links, please. (update: I got my first story published by Literotica today and got 400 views in less than 6 hours. it may not seem like much, but I'm over the moon about that. If you were one of the people who read it, thank you so much! I don't know you, but I love you already.)

I guess it’s all for now. Take care and have a very, very sexy day!




  1. the first comment:-) keep working away at it, and the admiration will come your way. i love your filthy mind so far, and cast wait to read more.

    n from lit

  2. Thanks! It's really sweet of you to say that! Keep visiting me :)


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